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What breed of dog?

19 10:54:43

I'm at a loss as to what kind of dog I should get-and I'll give you background info

I'm 26 and living with my parents,as well as my 9 year old Shiba Inu,I also have a lot of experience with lots of dogs,as I volunteer at our local shelter and have for ten years and am working in a boarding kennel for the past 2 years

Now what I'm looking for is a dog that gets along well with other dogs,has an easy care coat(short and low shedding can shed a bit,just not handfulls)and is in the size range of 15-30 pounds

About the only type of dogs that I'm not interested in are wire haired type terriers and hounds

I also don't care if the dog is purebred,just more or less breeds or mixes of those breeds that might be good-I am partial to Boston Terriers

Answer and have breed selector pages on their site.  You might try them.   Don't take a recommendation for some obscure, hard to find breed too seriously. Even if your puppy doesn't grow up like you expected, how you raise it helps make it what you need.  The first 12 weeks of a dog's life greatly affect its adult personality.  Expose it to your lifestyle, and it will be comfortable with you.   Gretchen, our one German Shepherd did not grow up suspicious of strangers.  She knew no other life except being out and petted by strangers from the night we picked her up at 7 weeks old.  After she was a year old, the dog guide school chose to retain her as breeding stock.  

How well any one dog gets along with other dogs is more a function of its early socialization than its breed.  As for shedding, the only way out of that are the dogs such as the Poodle that have more of a fur than hair.  

In the end, I say follow your heart.  A Boston Terrier will take frequent brushing to keep the shedding down, but you would still have what your love.