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My older dogs hates my puppy

19 11:39:51

I have a 3 year old pek and he hates my new puppy. I recently bought a boxer puppy. My pek is being vicious and nasty to the new puppy including biting him, just this morning my puppy ended up being bit by my pek. We haven't been ignoring the pek, he has been receiving just as much attention so as not to feel left out, he just cant help being nasty. We have been keeping them apart during feeding and trying not to let the puppy near the peks toys as he is possessive of these. I feel at my wits end, with my puppy continually being bitten by my pek. We have been trying to get them to sit next to each other or play in the garden together, this starts off good, then my pek will flip and just try to attack the puppy? Is there anything I can do to get this behaviour to stop?

Hi Jade;
Okey dokey, here is how I cure little dictators from biting and being nasty brats. He is just showing you and the puppy and everybody else that he is the boss of everything.
He needs tolearn that MOM is the alpha, and he is just one of the little peons around there.
My girlfriend's Yorkie was going to behave that way with our sheltie. He thinks this is his other home, and he is best friends with my other dogs, and when he came and saw Laddie here, it was fight sity.
she is a "Doooon't honey" type of mother and dog owner, so her children were brats, and her dog is a brat.LOL
I treat my babies like they are made of gold, because they are precious to me, but I am the alpha, the boss, the BIG MOMMA, the whole show, and they better behave.LOl
After he had attacked Laddie a few times, and she mewed a "now don't be a bad boy, pleeeeeze" at him, he brought the blood, a good bit of it.
I grabbed him and told her I was going to train her dog, and not to interfere.
I held him by the back of his neck.
Now, I have to stop and qualify that, because one so-called critic threw a fit about my telling that to someone, and said there was no excuse for being cruel.
I didn't say a thing about being rough.
All you do is hold the back of the neck so they have to look you in the eye.
You have the dog's body supported well. Chew his little butt up one side and down the other, tell him things like, "I Won't TOLLERATE THAT!!!!!", and 'SHAME on you. You are a bad dog wgen you act like that, and you will get in trouble every time you try that. You are going to time out till you learn to behave right". Then I put him in the small bathroom for half an hour.
He is very high tempered, so when I took him out ( that is how long I leave my dogs in there, and others I am training) he was still wanting to fight, so he ran till he found Laddy and went at it again. I did the same chewing and put him in there for 1 hour. when I klet him out, I picked him up and told him, in a little nicer, but still firm voice that, "Aunt Charlotte doesn't allow fighting, and you have seen Max get into trouble for it, and I won't let you do it either.
It took only two times with him, because he has been here when Max got put in time out.
Max is my Lhasa, and he tries to boss my australian ?shepherd, and Rowdy lets him. I have to ste in and stop it.
I don't think it will take that many time for your little kid.
Every dog I have had or trained and put in time out, HATES it.
They act in a way that I am sure they would rather be beaten with a 2X4.
they have to lie on the bath mat in that very small bathroom, with nothing to do but think about the trouble they are in, and hear all the fun stuff they are missing out on.
Better tha trying to get them to play together. Don't allow him to play with the puppy if he can't behave nicely.
dod your mother ever tell you since you and another child were fussing, that you couldn't play together anymore, and kep you apart for a few days, and you died all the time till the two of you could play together again?
when he fuses like that, do the correction, and then wher\n he comes out, say, "No, you can't play nice, so you can't play with the poppy.
You have to nip it in the bud NOW, for more than just the annoyance, pain to the puppy and all that is entailed in it now.
that boxer is going to grow up, and that AIN'T fer down the road, and he will either grow up afraid of everything and a very traumatized dog, or he will put a stop to it his way, and you will have a torn up peke.
Another thing that will help you calm this little Caesar is massage.
I have used this method of animal massage for years with great results.
a 15 minute massage before he plays with th puppy would calm him, and after he has to be put in time out, a calming massage might help if he is very high tmpered.
I think he is just used to being the only dog in that pack, and he liked it that way.
A bit on the spoiled rotten side.LOL
He can be taught.
All I have to do, when Max starts acting like a little jerk is say:MAX!!! Do you want to go to time out?" in a very angry voice, and he straightens up and acts like a little gentleman.