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Maltese Puppy help.

19 11:37:21

Hi, Charlotte. Can you help me with my problem? My sister, Dina, has a female Maltese. Her Maltese's name is Princess. Princess had puppies on June 24th. Two males and 2 females. I want to keep 1 girl and 1 boy, but my sister says that if we keep a boy and a girl they might have puppies and the puppies might come out wrong. Like having 2 heads or 3 feet or something. I'm not sure if what my sister says is correct, so that's why I'm asking you if it's OK to keep a male and a female together. And I also want to know how long do you have to wait until you can touch the puppies? And if it's okay to have the puppies you keep with their mother too? I'm sorry if I'm asking too much but I don't really know much about Maltese. Thanks for your time!~

Hi Daisy;
Al, of this you hear about males and females, and litter mates etc don't get along when raised together is a lot of nonsense.
i have had littermates, and one time we had a family, the mother, her son and daughter and their son. Yes, littermates WILL mate. I didn't think at that time they would, but they wil.
the offspring won't have 2 heard, but they can have a lot of health problems, and they can sometimes have birthdefects, though it is mostly a health problem.
No problem, all you hav to do is have the little girl spayed and the little male neutered. At 4 months is the best time for their health sake.
If the female is spayed then, she won't have unwanted litters and she won't have breast cancer and some other problems that come from not being spayed.
If the male is neutered at that age, he won't have prostate cancer and some other health problems that only fertile males havethey will be generally healthier, and will live longer.
They will also get along better.
If raised together, and properly obedience trained, they will get along great, and you will have hours of fun watching their playing and silliness.
Having that family was like hovering overhead and watching a family live. It was like watching a doting grandmother, an over indulgent mother and dad, and a little shin-kicking brst.LOL
When the little boy went outside, if he got some fleas, his grandmother would bite the fkleas for him.
He would lie on his back on the floor, and mom and dad and granny lay around him like wagon wheel spokes and groomed and loved on him, and he ate it up.
Maltese are such cute ittle things, and two of them would be so cute to watch romping.
I pick up pppies and smooch on them as soon as mom has had them, fed them, and rested awhile, and they are dry.
Don't let people hold them too much or their little muscles can get sore.
My son and I, when his dog had the two we kept that made the little shin-kicker, would lie on the floor by the "crib" and smooch babies.LOl
She had 5 babies and we kept the 2. When they had their's. they had a little boy and a little girl. We kept that little boy and gave the little girl to friends.
We promptly had Rosie spayed and Rosebud neutered. We had Little Britches neutered. We didn't want any more "accidents".