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dog poops in crate all the time

19 11:38:50

I have a 7 month old cockapoo dog. Ever since we got him he always poops and pees in his kennel. We even put his bed in there with him because the vet said to do that because there natural instinct is not to go to the bathroom on his bed. What do you know he went to the bathroom right on his bed. He is only in the kennel at night and occasionally if we go somewhere for a couple hours. Then when we get home I end up giving him a bath and cleaning the crate out because there is urine and poop everywhere. WHAT DO I DO??????

I haven't had the problem or seen many other suggestions.  I think it may be in the breeding and poor early care.  Stress plays a part too.  Anti anxiety medicine from the vet may work as well as anything.  You could also try a Kong filled with peanut butter.  A food motivated dog could be too busy licking the peanut butter out to do anything else.  

A wire grid in the bottom of the crate will help keep the puppy up out of  accidents.  They are available with the crates, but expensive and hard to find. A piece of closely spaced wire closet shelving from a home supply place is cheaper. I am now using a plastic vegetable bin with plenty of holes drilled in the bottom.  The grids work very well on urine, but much less effective on stools.