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collar for French Bulldog

19 9:37:26

Hi Kristin
I have an adirable 2 year old Frenchie.
The only problem I have with him is that he pulls like mad on the
harness when we are out.
I have a thin slip collar for him which helps a lot, but I am worried to use it in case it causes damage to his trachea.
I have heard there is a harness called "easy walk" which is supposed to help stop pulling
I would be very grateful for your suggestions about what is bespt to use

There are several 'no pull' harnesses of several brands I personal haven't used them so can't say if they work one way or the other. But in general harnesses are easier on necks,but should only be used AFTER the dog has been broken of pulling,so a 'no pull' harness might be perfect for you-I have heard they do work and even if i have not used them i have heard feedback from others that have,and they said it was a good introduction to a harness for a dog