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Pomeranians coat

19 14:16:26

My Pomeranian is 3 years old, a runt, and black, and of course, precious.  I have had her trimmed pretty short at times, especially during the summer, last winter I decided to let her hair grow out, it won't come back at all, her undercoat is so thick, light gray, and her long beautiful hair is not coming back hardly at all, scraggly strands everywhere.  Her leg hair is long soft and beautiful, it's just where they trimmed so close, is where it's not coming back out, i'm giving her a few drops of omega 3 oil, every day (from my capsules), no luck, any suggestions?  did I do wrong, I hope not I would appreciate your time and advise, thank you so much, looking forward to hearing from you. Patty

Sorry to say, but this is what happens from trimming the coat short. Poms are a double coated breed and not meant to be clipped down. This same thing happens with Chows, Malamutes etc.. Your groomer should have warned you of this. I keep pictures to show any owner wishing to shave down their double coated breed. I totally try and talk them out of it. It as if the undercoat comes back, but not the topcoat. The hair is dull, and usually frizzy looking. As far as I know, there is nothing you can do for this. I have dogs that have been "ruined" at one year old and stay that way the rest of their life. Usually the owners opt to keep them short instead of having that ugly coat. There are a few dogs that grow back beautifully, but not many. Sorry I can't help you get that beautiful coat back. :(
