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13 week old Lab and Water

19 11:39:18

Hi there!  We are the proud new parents of a 13 week old yellow lab named Amie.  She has been with us for 4 weeks, and is doing beautifully all around, we got a great girl.  Here is my issue: I want to get her exposed to water as soon as possible, and I am a bit of a naturalist when it comes to that - I want her to experience it in her own way, at her pace, so that she will always love it.  We would like to take her on short hikes where there is a swift running creek nearby.  We bring lots of drinking water and a collapsible bowl with us to minimize their drinking the freshwater.  My 6 year old golden mix comes with us often, and she has always been allowed to go in to that and other water sources (oceans, lakes, ponds, puddles) without issue.  We have not been since we got the new pup.  Is Amie she too young from a health concern standpoint (my vet says Yes, though she is EXTREMELY strict about everything).  I understand that her immune system can be in limbo right now, and I DO want to be careful.  Is there anything that I can do with her now other than the kiddie pool, or are there precautions I can take so that she can go in the water, etc?  Failing those, how soon will it be safest to take her?  We're anxious, and the big dog misses her adventures!!  Thanks a lot!

Check this link,  My vet is a real paranoid on parvo.  As you can see in that link there is indeed a window where one sniff where a sick dog eliminate din the last 6 months can kill your puppy.  

On the other hand, your puppy has already missed important early socialization that needs to take place before 12 weeks.  I would go ahead and get your puppy out, trying to avoid other dogs and places they have been as much as possible.  It can be a no win situation.  You must risk catching a fatal disease in order for proper development.