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Low Cost Spaying

19 14:17:32

I have a mixed puppy that is about 5 months old (although that is a rough estimate) and 30 lbs. I want to get her spayed and have looked into many different vet clinics around my area. One option I found is a local organization that has a spay/neuter clinic that offers the surgery at a very low cost compared to the others. Do you recommend this kind of place? I'm not sure how to know if it is just as safe as a regular veterinarian. How can they offer the surgery for such a low price if it's the same thing as at the vet clinic?

It isn't quite the same as the vet hospital, but these places are usually fine. You might call around to vet hospitals to ask if they've had dogs referred to them from this clinic for problems following neutering. They can afford it because it is usually all they do, and sometimes they are subsidized by other organizations. Spaying early, before the first heat, is the way to go. Healthier and safer for all concerned. Good for you!