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miniature dachshund

19 9:25:52

We just purchased a "mini" dachshund from a pet store one week ago.  It was a totally unplanned quick decision...and after a day or two I checked the "papers" and it doesn't say "mini" - just "dachshund.  I called and they assured me that she was in fact a "mini" - but I still wonder if they are telling the truth.  Is there any way to be sure.  She was born August 8th and is about 4.6 pounds...does that sound like a mini to you?  SHoud it say so on her papers? Thanks sooooo much.

I am not that familiar with dachshunds, but weighing 4.6# at nearly four months of age, I would say that she is a miniature. My miniature schnauzers, whose final weight would be something like 13-18# as adults, would weigh 4-5# at eight weeks of age.

It may be that your paperwork does not say "Miniature" because she may not be registered through the American Kennel Club, but instead some other organization.

The National Miniature Dachshund Club is an organization that would have more information for you: