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tiny bump on top of eye brow area

19 11:59:11

I have a shellty mix about 4.5 years old and have recently noticed a tiny bump on the left side of her eye brow area.  It's not any bigger than a flea.  It's black in color and almost looks like you could pop it like a zit.  It doesn't ooze or anything and it hasn't gotten any bigger or smaller.  The texture is very firm.  I am always checking it out to make sure it stays the same.  What do you think?

Hi Jennifer.
They get moles, and sometimes little tumors, that don't amount to anything.
That sounds like what this is, to me.
You are doing right to watch it, and unless it shows some difference in appearance, talk to your vwterinariuan about it the next time you take her in.
My little Lhasa has started getting little strange bumps on different places. He is 7 years old now.
If it stays the same, and if your veterinarian says it is harmless, just call it a beauty spot.
If it begins to bother her, or changes shape or appearance, it can be removed.
As long as it stays the same in appearance and size, it is not likely to be cancerous.