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Puppy Chewing when we are not home

19 11:01:27

My fiance has a micro mini daschund who is 8 months old and likes to chew on things when she is left alone in the house. She chews on everything from the carpet which is a shorter shag type to printer cords to our ring boxes, and toilet paper from the roll, and bark out of a plant in the house. I think the carpet is because she really likes those rope type bones or any toy that has strings to chew on and the carpet reminds her of that. But it is a problem. The carpet is actually at her moms house where she is living but we will have to pay for the replacement of. I don't know if she is rebelling for being alone or what it is but it is becoming a real problem and we need to get it stopped before they move into my house. The other problem is that the soon to be mother inlaw wont let the dog be in the bathroom because she is afraid that the dog will ruin the door or something like that. Any ideas?

This puppy is way too young to be left unattended. She needs to be in a LARGE crate or x pen with wee wee pads or a litterbox., and plenty of smart toys and food stuffed kongs to keep her mind and teeth occupied. She needs to be crated until she is comfortably potty trained and unlikely to chew on things such as wires etc that could kill her or poison her. She needs WALKS every day and lots of exercize. She is tiny but a HOUND and has a hounds instincts.
Obedience training is also a good idea because even these itty bittys can have aggression and biting issues.
good luck