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Pekingese Housebreaking

19 14:16:51

I am haveing troubel Housebreaking my three month old Peke? ANy advice or tips on how to get the dog to use the bathroom outside and not in his crate?
Kimberly Arnold

Hi Kimberly;
Well, I am not a crate person.
I know they have become very popular now, but I cannot see penning a dog up, except when it is for their protection.
A crate can be secured in a car seat belt for safety in traveling, but I never use a crate in the house.
You must know when they puppy will ned to go, and get him outside in time, EACH TIME !
You miss one time, you are back to square 1.
They will need to empty their bladder as soon as they wake, and soon after drinking water. As soon as that wake, take them outside, as soon as they finish drinking and/or eating, take them out and wait for them to go, so you can praise them.
Other than that, you watch. When they need to go, they will start going around, looking for a good spot, when you see this, immediately scoop him up, say "No!', and take him out. when he goes, make a big deal of it. Praise him lavishly, "Good dog( baby, boy, whatever ), oh you are such a smart puppy" etc
and pet him.
Same when he does a big job. Lavish on the praise. Let your voice reflect how proud you are.
What dogs want is to please us. When they are very young and haven't heard the language a lot, your tone of voice is what they judge by. Sound angry and firm when you correct for  bad behavior, sound sweet and pleased when you praise for good behavior.
Expect some mishaps. He is a baby and his little muscles and muscle control is not fully developed yet.
I have had little ones that peed in the bed, while they are asleep. It is the same thing as it is with small children, the muscle control is just not fully developed yet.
This little boy may be peeing in his sleep. 3 months is very young.
Be patient and hang in there.
When I am house breaking a puppy, I let them sleep in my bed. Actually, I have always slept with my dog in my bed, since i was a child. I like live stuffed toys.
When a puppy wakes and needs to pee, they start moving around, looking for a spot. I have my mind tuned to wake when a puppy starts moving around. So when the movement starts, I get on it, and get them outside before i get peed on.
The right motivation can help you accomplish anything.LOL