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19 9:24:30

We rescued a bichon mix (don't know the mix, maybe poodle# 4 years ago. He is so attached to me #Wife) that he wants to be with me all the time. He acts like he's in love with me, looks at me intently all the time.He wants his own way all the time. I have probably been too easy with him. He has bitten two neighbors, my husband once and me once when I tried to get him to stop biting and scratching himself, And he would bite others if I didn't hold him on the leash. I love him, but my husband feels we have to get rid of him. Help. He's a good boy otherwise. Spoiled but good.

When people come into the house, then turn to leave he jumps on the back of their leg and bites them. If I don't have him on a leash when people come over, I don't know what he will do. If I leave him upstairs in the bedroom, he barks and barks and scratches on the door to be let out. So, eventually I let him out so he can get used to being around people. But, he really just wants the food he thinks they have.

He hates to walk unless my husband and I together take him out. He won't go with either of us alone. I have to put a harness on him and literally drag him down the sidewalk.

Hi Judy,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog.  I am so sorry it's taken this long to get back to you.  Things have been very hectic here.

I want to direct you to the behavorists on this site...Thye are under dog behavior..Jill Connor is one of them and there are several others.  I do not think that your dog is necessarily aggressive...I am convinced from what you have told me that he just needs some behavior modification and a medical workup.  I am concerned about the scratching you mentioned and I think that if you can bring him to the vet for some blood work, that would be very helpful. I am especially interested in his thyroid and also if he might have allergies or vaccinosis, all of which can make a dog irritable and even nippy.  So please speak to your vet about having this done.  Also test for Lyme.

As far as behavior is concerned, he needs to have his mind re-directed by someone who can show you how to do that, using treats as a stimulus for good behavior. First email all the behavorists on this website and then see what they say.  I'm almost certain that they are going to tell you to have a trainer who uses positive reinforcement come in and work with you and the dog.

Also..there is a great website called which has excellent books and tapes that can also help you with some of the behavior issues.

I would recommend that you watch a program called, It's Me Or The Dog on Animal Planet.  She is an excellent trainer.

There are also many websites that address some of the problems you've described.

Please don't give up on this little guy.  I can assure you that the devotion he feels towards you is worth keeping...he just needs some tweaking!

Shelley Davis