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New 7months puppy problems!

19 9:47:04

Hi, I have just bought a 7months old maltese.  The first day I had him he did his buisness outside, the first night I left him in my room with my 3years old golden retrieve ; in the morning I worke up with about 4-5 small piles of poop and pee. So i bought a cage.  Second night: put him in my sisters room in his cage, with my dog in my room; everything was allright.  It has been the 2 past nights where he his only barking non-stop and this past night barking and pooping in his cage.  We take his water and food 2-3hours before going to sleep.  What should i do? Any tricks are ways I should handle this situation?

Are you feeding regular meals?  A morning and early evening feeding should be all he needs.  When he makes his last trip outside, make sure he walks around enough to stimulate a bowel movement.  

You could also have the crate in the same room as the other dog.