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puppy is timid

19 11:50:56

I have a yorkie/dachshund mix 6 month old puppy.  We have had her since she was 8 weeks old.  So she knows my boyfriend and I as her mom and dad, and we treat her as a child. In the past week or so she has started acting timid toward my boyfriend.  I play a major role in her life, being that I am home with her the majority of the day.  He is normally the disciplinarian, meaning he scolds her if she uses the bathroom in the house and he puts her into the crate when we leave the house.  I am worried that this might be causing her to be afraid of him.  He claims that when I'm not around she acts completely normal, but as soon as I enter the room she is timid towards him. Please help us if you have any suggestions.   Thanks so much...

If you don't discipline her as well as your boyfriend, she will become confused.  She needs to go for long walks with the both of you, and you need to keep her at your side (taking turns) so she walks quietly next to you.  She may also need a training class where she learns commands and tricks.  Your boyfriend might want to do this with her when you are not around and when she has succeeded in gaining his approval (what she feels) he can have her do these tricks in front of you.