Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > koa


19 13:42:58

koa is an 11 yr old female sweet rottie- when she was about 8 mos she got hit and broke her pelvis.  I choose to keep her very quiet as opposed to the surgery.  Since then she has always had a little limp and tracked a little to one side.  This afternoon she slipped and cryed and limped- would not put any weight on it- Its sat nite, and wondering what  I could do to keep her comfortable-  If it's bad monday, I'll take her in ??  thanks, Dave

Hi Dave,

Koa is in pain, and needs to be seen by a veterinarian. She may have another fracture, or it might be a soft tissue injury. There's no way to tell without an examination.

Until you can be seen by your vet try to keep her as still as possible. You can give her Aspirin for the pain. Use 5 grain (325 mg) aspirin tablets.
A 60 to 80 lb dog may be given one tablet twice a day (every 12 hours) or 1/2 tablet three times a day (every eight hours).
To reduce stomach irritation, use buffered aspirin and give the aspirin at mealtime.

That will tide you over so Koa isn't suffering unnecessarily until you can get in to see your vet. Aspirin is not for chronic pain in dogs. Your vet can provide you with medications for pain control that are much safer and far more effective.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
