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cut foot

19 14:19:00

  we have two leonburger pups brother and sister, they are 5 mos. old now and the female cut her right front foot on the tip of her middle toe  area, it has been a week now and it is not bleeding as it stop the first day, but it is open a bit and it is healing slowly, we were wondering how long it should take and should we keep her from going on long walks in the woods as it is still not healed but it is healing slowly and she is not limping on it any longer , do you have any ideas.
thanks roger

Foot pads are slow to heal. I would give it at least another week and then start out slowly. If it reopens or starts to bleed you will have to wait longer. Going in the woods will probably be easier on it then walking on concrete.Walking would also be better then running too.  Just use common sense.
Thanks, Wendy