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animal feces

19 10:36:17

I live in a apartment and the lady living across the hall from me has many different animals including several dogs. Each day my 3 year old son, my husband and I walk in an enclosed pathway to get to my front door. And the smell of feces is very strong and overpowering. My family and I have been sick now for 2 weeks. Vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness. Could the smell of the feces be the reason for these symptoms? If not what are symptoms that we should watch for that may be caused by this exposure?  
Thank you,
Amber P.


The smell alone should not cause problems, you need to come into direct contact with feces before worrying about any bugs you could pick up, like coccidia, giardia, salmonella, etc. However, if the smell is completely overpowering, it may be a physical reaction (IE you aren't exactly sick, its just that the smell is so nauseating that you are vomiting and feeling dizzy, but the diarrhea should not be occurring) I believe that this question would probably be better served if asked of a doctor. I also believe you should contact the health department, animal control, and the apartment rental office ASAP if not done so! If it is that bad in the hallway, I cant imagine how bad it is in the house, and she would DEFINITELY be coming into contact with possibly health problems. She may be a hoarder, which is a serious mental issue.

I hope you feel better soon!!!!