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Miniature Schnauzer Stinky Feet

19 13:34:34

Our 2 1/2 year old miniature schnauzer has stinky feet.  We bath her once a week and her coat is healthy and does not smell but afew days after her bath her feet really stink.  We haven't changed her food which is a good quality dry food with no filler recommended by the breeder.  What is causing this and what can we do to stop it?  Thank you and I await for your reply.  

Dogs sweat through their feet so there isn't anything you can do about this except bathe them on a regular basis. I rather enjoy the odor; it reminds me of corn chips! LOL! (But I can only smell it if I stick my nose in their feet.)

I just had another thought. Is your dog licking its feet? It could have a fungal infection going on. If this is the case, it is most likely due to allergies. Something like Tinactin will clear up a fungal infection, but you need to shave the feet (like a poodle), apply the Tinactin a couple times a day, and keep her from licking her feet (Elizabethan collar). If licking is due to allergies, you need to figure out the cause and eliminate it or the cycle will start all over again.
