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lump on my cocker

19 10:28:18

I have an AKC cocker about 3.5 years old, noticed he has a considerable large lump on the underside of his belly, closer to the right side. I have read about belly cysts, sebaceos cysts, limpomas, I am having to take him to the vet, it's hard, but not very hard. He hasn't change any behaviour. I just noticed it after grooming him since my groomer went out of busines. I don't know if they have noticed it before, and can't ask them because they are gone. What do you think? Thank you
Concerned about my Doggy

Hi Betty,

I'm sorry, I know how concerned you are. It's always alarming when one notices a lump or bump that wasn't there before. Unfortunately, the only way to tell what kind of growth your dog has, is by an examination by your veterinarian. Reading about the different kinds of masses can just escalate your concerns, while revealing nothing helpful, since it's all pure guesswork.

If it's any comfort, most growths are benign. Cocker Spaniels are prone to developing sebaceous cysts. But it's good you've already made an appointment with your vet.

Best of luck!
