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Seizure in Mini Schnauzer

19 10:28:18

I hv a 5 yr old female mini. Had her 1st teeth cleaning Monday, had her 1st seizure 11:30 pm Wed. Followed by 5 more seizures before 8:30 am Thur. The 6th seizure was witnessed by the Dr while @ the Vet Clinic & stopped w/Valium.  Dr did not feel there was any connection between seizures & teeth cleaning. Advised me to start Phenobarbitol if another seizure occured w/in 24 hrs. 7th seizure occured 1:00 am Friday, so PB was started. I ran across this question & answer during my search for info on seizures in schnauzers. My Mini also has the strange smelling ritual, in particular, looking quickly at her behind as if something were biting her. When we noticed this behavior about a year ago when she was 4, we asked the Dr about it and he had no explanation. Now that seizures hv occured & I ran across the similarity in the 2005 question to you, I wanted to ask if you had ever heard of any connection between the onset of seizures after teeth cleaning or if you have heard of any other connection with the peculiar "biting behind" behavior. Thank you in advance.
Date: 7/22/2005 Subject: Schnauzer seizures??
Question I have a three year old male schnauzer.  He seems very happy and well adjusted.  However, approximately 8 months ago, I noticed a different behavior from him.  He will do alot of smelling of the air and ground, look quickly at his behind (as if something had bit him) and snap at the air, as if he is trying to catch imaginary flies with his mouth.  I had him checked for allergies and he may have a mild food allergy, and his food has been switched for several months to a non-wheat base.  Our vet says she has observed this type of behavior in other schnauzers in the past (she says she has also seen it in irish setters), and she thinks it is some sort of mild seizure.  She advised a mild sedative may be prescribed for him if it worsens.  Have you observed these traits in schnauzers before, and are you aware of any treatment??

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. Has she had any vaccinations in the last few months? We are finding that over-vaccination can trigger a lot of issues in dogs... seizures being one of them. Hypothyroidism can also cause them; you might want to have her thyroid levels checked.

Any interest in the hindquarters is usually related to anal glands that need expressing or passing gas (that really seems to bug some dogs, particularly schnauzers). The relation to seizures in the earlier question really had more to do with that dog's "fly-snapping" rather than looking at his behind.  

Your dog's seizures came on so fast and furious that it certainly does seem as though something has triggered them. I have never heard of any connection between teeth cleaning and seizures, but I just now put "seizures and anesthesia" into my search engine and I came up with LOTS of references to this! Apparently there can indeed be a connection. I would delve deeper into this if I were you.