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Does my dog have aear infection???

19 9:44:41


   I have a 5 month old mini schnauzer for the past 3-4 day he has been yelping every time we touch his left ear do you know why this would be?  We just has him at the vet 2 days ago to complete his puppy shots and she checked him over and looked in his ears but didn't seem too concerned!!!
  He doesn't scratch at it or shake his head and there is no foul discharge so I am wondering is this an ear infection or not??  And do you have any suggestions on what to do??

Thank you in advance

Hello Kevin,

If your vet didn't see any signs and there is no bad smell I would think that it is not do to an ear infection.  5 month old dogs are still cutting teeth and that can cause pain in the ears.  check your puppy for teeth pushing through the gums.  For that, if that is the cause give your puppy some hard chew toys or even ice cubes, just watch him carefully.  

Hope this helps.

Susan Potts, CPG

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