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Litter box training

19 10:52:55

QUESTION: I have an 8wk old Maltese that I am planning on litter box training. My question is if I do this will I be able to take her on walks or take her outside at all? I was told that it would confuse her if she went to the bathroom outside. I really would like to take her with me when I go places that I can take her but I can not take the litter box everywhere I go!

ANSWER: You do not need to take the litter box with you,thats just for in the house-I have known a number of small dogs that are litter trained,and they also go to the bathroom on the grass so you can still take her outside and she will go just fine

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: One more question...I think she might have a flea on her when I got home with her I saw one on my hand and she is scratching. I have searched all over her and do not see any home I bought her from was extremely clean she only has Maltese. Is there anything I can put put on a puppy tis young?

There is flea shampoos that are made for puppies one brand is ' Zodiac Flea and Tick Shampoo for Puppies' and that is the best brand use for such a young puppy there are other flea shampoos for puppies,but many say not to use them in puppies under 10-12 weeks