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Newfoundland Pup

19 9:22:52

Dear Kristin,

I have 2 Newfoundland puppies (from different litters so not related)we have a male who is just over 4 months old and a girl who is just over 3 months old.

The male Eddie can be very aggressive with myself and husband at times and I am now scared of him as he has gone for me numerous times. To give you an example the postman knocked at the front door and he ran to it, when I tried talking to him (in a calm low voice) to come into the kitchen he wouldn't so I then stroked him and put 2 fingers under his collar to try and steer him still talking to him in a happy voice he immediately snarled and went to bite me, his snout wrinkled up and the hair on his back went up also. This has happened on numerous occasions and I am at my wits end as he doesn't just do this to me, usually I back off and leave him alone but today when this happened he kept coming at me until I was backed into a corner.

Can you please give me some advice as I don't want to have 2 dogs who I love that will constantly be kept in the kitchen or garden when we have previously owned a Newfoundland and he was very much part of our family, trained and well behaved.

Many thanks


I think the best way to deal with this problem is to find a trainer that can come to your house,and has a lot of experience. Those type of trainers can come in and see how your dog is and then he/she can find a solution to curb this behavior before it becomes a dangerous situation,and it's much better to correct this now rather than later when someone might end up hurt,and you could end up in court. Trainers can come in work on the dogs,as well as show you how to work on it until the issue is solved. To find such a trainer the first person to call would be your vet and see if there is anyone he/she recommends,as well as looking in the phone book