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dog choice

19 14:03:56

I have a 6 month old Mastiff/Pitbull mix.  He is really sweet and really good, currently in obedience training.  We want to get another dog, so he has a friend to play with but don't know if we should get a male or female because we are worried about the female in heat since they are inside dogs.  Also, we don't know if we should choose a Lab, Mastiff, Great Dane, Pitbull or any other dog............what would be the best fit.  Can you help me?  

Well, first off get your dog fixed. A male dog fixed at a young age will have less of a tendancy to be overly protective. And its better for him in many other ways also.
I am wondering why you would need a second dog. If you spend enough time with your dog now (and you should be, at least time on training), he should not be lonely. If you were to get another dog a reccomend getting an adult female. One who is already housebroken. If you get another puppy you will have to worry about housebreaking, both puppies chewing your stuff, and just getting into mischief. The breed of dog you get depends on the individual dog. Mixes tend to be a little unstable, you don't know what breed they will turn out like.
If you have two dogs this means twice the feeding, grooming, excersize, and cleaning up after. Also if you go on holiday, there are more boarding fees or housesitting fees. Make sure you have the time for two dogs. Two does not make life easier, it makes life harder. Typically dogs do not get enough excersize, and become distructive.
So all in all, I reccomend you do not get a second dog and spend more time with your first. And if you must get a second, go to a breed rescue for any of the breeds you mentioned, and get a dog they reccomend.
One last thing, spay and neuter your dogs and you will have no more worrying.

Hope I've help you. Come back if you need anything else.
