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Puppy tail

19 9:48:35

I had my boxer puppies tails docked on wednesday, today in the push with other puppies to nurse, one of the stitches came out of a males tail, will he be okay til monday? It is not bleeding, it only did a few drops, but it is open.

P.S. I am not a breeder, I adopted this boxer from someone, and they did not tell me she was pregnant, they are full blood boxers, I had them tested.

Hi Carlene;
Yes, it should be just fine...just keep it dry.
Put a bit of neosporinn on it to keep infection out!
If you see fresh blood, then take it to the vet immediately.
Best regards,
Thanks for the question.
I have a new Book out: "And Puppy Makes 3, ....." you can buy it as an E Book for $5.99.
I will be around if you need further help.