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severly sick puppy----family member

19 10:36:11

my 6 week old pitt puppy has severs diareah and is vomiting. he wont eat or drink. iam giving him fluids witha sugenge. he has lost weight. his mother was put to sleep after giving birth due to illness. i dont know just what she had she belonged to a neighbor. we do have PARVO going around. he is also pooping roundworms out. we have dewormed him. what could be causing all this>


Sounds like classic parvo- Get him to a vet ASAP. giving him oral fluids wont help as he is just omitting them back up. He needs to be on IV fluids, among other treatments. Deworming him is actually very dangerous in this state, as it causes much more damage to the intestines, PLEASE do not deworm him again. He needs to get to the vet immediately to be put on life support! Parvo is extremely contagious, and if you have had parvo in the environment within the last few years and an unvaccinated puppy starts vomiting and has diarrhea, you can just about guarantee its parvo.