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dog odor

19 9:25:41

Please tell me what I can do for the odor my dog has which smells like "old, stinky cheese"!! I understand this is common, and he has been checked out by the vet. The odor came back within hours after I last bathed him. Would a vinegar rinse help? Is there a product that I could purchase that would help? I've never encountered this before. He is black lab mix, 13 months old, mostly inside dog.  Thanks

A healthy dogs shouldn't have an odor problem.  I would almost suggest a different vet.  Also, check his ears.  Infected ears smell that way.  

Cut out the baths and give him a good brushing every day with a soft bristled brush.  

I am not one of those that sees switching to an expensive dog food as the solution to every problem.  However, some dogs don't do well on some dog foods.  Try to get into something different.  If you are feeding lamb now, try a different brand and chicken or beef.  Make the switch slowly over a week.