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Bloody Dog Stool

19 10:36:12

My dog is a large breed and is almost a year old and just today he had a small amount of blood at the tail end of his poop. His second time to poop he had an extremely small sized poop for him. It was also slightly on the loose side with what looked to be blood through-out and at the tail end of it it was viscous and had something that looked like it was bloody lining. What could this be? Other than that he is his same old self.


Small amounts of blood or mucus (the bloody lining) in stool (especially in particularly large amounts of stool) is not terribly uncommon or something to worry about, however if you are seeing a lot of blood, blood in loose stools, or if you notice he is having problems going to the bathroom (Small, hard stools or a lot of crouching with no results) he should go to the vet, as he could have a blockage, virus or colitis.

I hope he feels better!