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puppy chewing and biting ankles/laces

19 14:01:00


Please help me....what can I do????? I have a 9 week old maltese/yorkie who is a very good puppy except she keeps going after my daughters (9 & 10) ankles and shoe laces. If they take the sneakers off she goes after their ankles. What do you reccomend???
Also she is always at our feet, expecially theirs and you cannot walk. It is getting frustrating w/ the biting of my girls ankles.
I appreciate your help....

Thanks Gail

Hi Gail;
That is a puppy's natural way to play. The ankles are a natural target, and that is what she can reach right now.
The kids probably jump and more than likely laugh or sqweal, and that sounds like play to the puppy.
To teach her not to do this, tell them to not move quickly or laugh or sqweal, and to just stand still and tell her "NO!" BADPUPPY", and pick her up, when they say it, and put her somewhere by herself, where she can't bite.
Leave her there for a half hour or so,
You are trying to get the message across that if she does that, sge does NOT get to play at all.
she will get the message if there is no reaction that she can see as or mistake as, play.
She is just a baby mom. gotta teach her some manners.LOl
Those little teeth are sharp, and when she can reach clothing, if this is not corrected, she will tear clothing.