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my dog run away from me

19 14:21:17


Hi, I'm not sure I'm understanding why your trainer is telling you to push the dog?  Is he having you push him on the ground when he doesn't come when called?  If so, that is a form of dominance training (and fearful for the dog), and can actually make the dog not want to come to you as he could be in fear of being punished for coming to you.  If I am wrong in what you wrote, let me know so I can figure it out better for you.  As far as "humping" the sofa, not that uncommon, especially if he has not been neutered (otherwise known as fixed).  Some neutered dogs also tend to "hump", but most do outgrow it.  You can use a spray bottle with water in it & spray him everytime you catch him doing that behavior.  Sometimes that will be a negative response to him & he will quit when he sees you raise the bottle.  Give it a try & let me know what happens.  Good luck.


hi , im sorry i didnt mean push i ment pull the leash for second fast and hard and leave it immediatly and that to fix the mistakes of my dog ..

Hi, it sounds like your trainer is a dominance trainer (makes you yank the leash to correct the dog).  Domanince training is when you dominate the dog in a manner to make him do what you want.  If you dominate a dog that is dominate he will fight you everytime when he is corrected.  The way he is fighting back is by running away everytime you leave him.  The best thing to do is find another trainer that uses leadership type training instead of dominance training to train him.  This will teach him to follow a leader, trust a leader, then eventually come to a leader.  You will obviously have to go into off-leash training so that he will learn to come to you off leash.  Remember, that everytime he fails to come to you, you are correcting him, which makes him not want to come to you in the future because he is fearful that you will correct him again.  I hope this helps you.  Good Luck!
