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my border collie is pregant!

19 10:42:57

heyy.I recently got a border collie dog named daisy. And i think she may be pregnant. my mom does not believe me and refuses to take her to the vet so i need proof she is pregant.she hardly eats now.when she goes the bathroom she eats grass. she goes 2-3 days without going the bathroom.she runs away alot.she gained 7 pounds.her stomach looks bigger. she rolls on her back. she doesn't ever bark. and when she lays down she takes a huge breathe.
finally she always lays on her stomach breathing hard.please help me decide if you think my puppie is pregnant
and if she is do we take her to the vet for her to be checked!thank you!

Christine, I wonder if she may have intestinal worms. You need to take her to the vet to find out what is wrong with her. From what you say about her breathing, she could also have heartworms, which can kill her if left untreated.

I am concerned about the way she is living, Christine. Does she stay outside all of the time? Dogs are pack animals; they want to be with their people, not alone out in the yard. No wonder she runs away a lot. You need to find a way to contain her so that she is not running loose all over the place. You also need to have her spayed.

Please take her to a vet before it's too late.