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19 11:40:04

Hi    I would like to get another labrador rertrereiver in about 2-3 years. I would like to get a papered registered puppy this time and was wondering if you might be able to help with my questions. I know its a long time before I get the other lab but would like to know this;

What are peddigree papers?    is being registered to the CKC or AKC different then a peddigree and if so how? is a good quaility puppy both papered and regisitered?    Being registered to the CKC or AKC does this mean the dog could be shown if it was NOT altered? And if so is there a way to pick a top quaility show potenciel puppy from a litter? nd Do bitches make fine show dogs? Thank you for your time Labman I apprecate it...I really know nothing about papers or registeration alll my dogs are pure but not papered.

I know much more about how to train and care for a dog than the registration.  I will give you the best answers I can.  Registering dog with the AKC or CKC generates some papers, including a pedigree.  The pedigree lists the dog, its parents, their parents, and their parents.  So registered, having papers, having a pedigree are much the same thing.  So a registered dog can be shown.  Being registered is no guarantee of quality.  The puppy mills and backyard breeders are churning enough crummy, but registered dogs that we end up slaughtering millions of them a year for lack of homes.  Those failing to either spay/neuter their dogs or take proper care of them are part of the problem too.  

If you are serious about buying a competitive show dog in a few years, now is the time to start educating yourself.  I am not the person that can help.  I can give you some links, and are good places to start.  I have nothing to do with Woodhaven.  They are just a site I have found that has or at least links to a lot of information I think you can trust. has some good stuff too.  

Dogs and bitches are shown separately.  Buy a bitch, and you will show against other bitches.  I have no idea which does best in best of breed.  You should be attending some shows as part of the learning process.