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My puppy wont go outside

19 9:53:52

I have just recently got a puppy and for some reason she will not go to the bathroom outside. This morning as soon as i felt her get off the bed she started to pee on the floor i hurried and grabbed her and took her outside, nothing. As soon as i brought her back inside she started to squat again so i yelled NO and brought her back outside when we got in she went to squat again so i yelled for my husband to take her out, she finally pooped he praised her told her what a good girl she was, but when we got inside she pooped again right in the living room.I smack her nose and tell her bad! I see on here you not supposed to do that cause it teaches the dog not to want to go but thats how my family have always done it and it worked so... I dont know why shes doin this, the people we got her from said she wasnt trained but i think she actually just wants to go in the house. She is an Auss Shep mix.

Hi Brittany;
You will need to go over the basics of "Potty" training!
This requires you to crate train the puppy while it is learning where to go "Potty"!
This will eliminate the accidents, and the "Negative" reinforcement training method you are using now...
So, go online and research the "Potty" Crate training method, and then after you purchase a Crate,
Put her in it till she has to go out to the area you designate, and carry her there.
When she eliminates, then "Praise" her!!!
She will learn with the "Positive" sound of your voice and mannerisms.
Also, try to get her wormed with 'Safeguard' this will cause a lot of accidents in the wrong place.
And, also, get her on a Diet with a good amount of fiber:
Puppy diet is great...this will cause her to "Potty" first thing after drinking water.
So, you let her out of the crate to drink water, then she goes potty...praise her and start over!
This is the best method.
Let me know how you do.
Best regards,