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dog hurt right hind leg - muscle pull?

19 13:53:45

My dog is also a new mother - she had 7 pups 2 weeks ago. two
days ago she went out with my husband on a leash. she was a little
wet when she got back because it had just rained. my husband
tried to wipe her dry. when he tried to dry her near her right hind
leg, she suddenly yelped. possible that he might have pulled it a
tad too hard.
she hasnt been able to walk since then. she gingerly places her foot
down, but is not able to take any weight on it. there are no visible
swelling, bruises etc. she particularly doesnt like it if i try to move
her joint near the pelvic bone. could it be a muscle tear? pls help!
i hate to see her in so much pain.

Hi Indu,  If she can not put any weight on it at all, I would take her to a vet.  After they give birth the hip joints can be very loose and dislocate fairly easy.  She may have dislocated.  Take her in and get the vet to check it out.  Hope this helps,
