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dogs and eggs

19 13:33:32

I read a response to feeding dogs eggs and it seemed as though it was ok every once and awhile. My Boston Terrier loves them so much, we want to give him one with his dry food every morning. Is that too excessive? Thanks for your help!

Hi Angeli.
My dogs also loved eggs and I gave my females eggs when they were pregnant. It was good for them. I scrambled them so that there wasn't grease from frying, which is how I like my eggs.
I say try it for a few days, watch his bowels and make sure he seems well. If not try less. I'd say half an egg. Also if your feeding a food with more vegetable protein than meat protein(it can be hard to tell, but cheaper brands typically use more vegetable protein) the egg could be very beneficial. But don't add too much, because adding too much of something can be harmful.

I hope I have helped. If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask.