Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Thunder/Protection


19 9:33:43

Have a Great Pyrenees, 8 yrs old.  She is always afraid of thunder.  Often, if I am in same room, likes to come and stand by me or lay at my feet, cuddle.  Since Pyrenees do have strong protective instincts, could she be trying to protect me while at the same time fearful of the storm?  If move around house, likes to stick by my side.  If in area what she can't come, likes to bark, whine during storm (doesn't do this in house otherwise).


Hi Liz,

If your dog hasn't always been this way during a thunder storm, it's probably more likely that your dog is afraid of the thunder, than it is a protection behavior.

You can work at desensitizing your dog to the loud noises, by making thunder and other loud noises fun. Play with your dog during the storm. Make a recording of loud noises. While doing something your dog enjoys - eating, playing fetch, etc, play the recording, softly at first, then increase the sound as your dog becomes accustomed to the sounds. Don't increase the recording to quickly, make sure your dog is not scared during the game. Remember loud noise need to equal fun.

Don't pet or baby your dog while she is afraid. This is very tempting to do but it will make the problem worse by reinforcing fear. When your dog is coddled while being afraid, she is being told that fear of the loud noise is good or that she should be afraid. It is better to ignore your dog's fear than to enforce it.

There are also herbal remedies available like Rescue Remedy and DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) Diffusers. Rescue Remedy is a combination of flower essences and is meant to calm a stressed dog. The DAP Diffuser releases appeasing pheromones into the dogs environment. It is plugged into an outlet like an air freshener, people and other animals won't notice it, only dogs. The DAP should help the dog feel less anxious and safer.

Best of luck,
