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Worried about my dog!!!

19 11:47:57



A friend of mine has a Chihuahua and about a month ago it was acting very lazy, vomiting, not eating... had bluish color to its eyes.  We took it to the vet and they did a blood test... I do not recall all of the results but it came back negative to parvo and the its liver tested high (for something... the vet didn't explain well what that meant).  So for the last month her dog has been on medicine for the liver and a special liver diet.  The numbers for the liver did improve they went from 130 a month ago to 100 this time, although the test said that normal is between 5 and 60.  The vet she went to does not speak English well and it is difficult to get a clear answer from him.  He said that this may have been caused by hepatitis.  I asked if it were contagious because I am worried about my own dog (a shepherd, rott mix) if it is something contagious.  The two dogs are NEVER in direct contact, but my friend does come to my home quite often and have contact with my dog.  I am just worried that if she touches her dog and then my dog that my dog may end up with the same problems... I'm really worried.  My dog does have his shots given at 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks, and 17 weeks though he is now  a year and two months old (does he need boosters yet?)  I know this must sound rambling.. but I really need some help... I don't want to have to choose between my best friend and MAN's best friend...  


The first reccomendation I have isn't for you, it's for your friend. She needs to find a veterinarian that can clearly communicate to her in a way that leaves her with a full understanding of her dog's health challenges. Her dog's health is at even greater risk if its owner doesn't understand what is going on. She should either ask to consult with a partner at her current veterinarian's practice who speaks fluent English, or find another practice and schedule a consultation there. Her current doctor can fax the dog's medical records over so the tests don't have to be performed again (unless the new veterinarian wants more recent results).

As for your question -- if the dog's problem is in fact hepatitis, it is contagious to other dogs. Dogs can contract chronic hepatitis by inhaling or ingesting the virus present in the urine, nasal, or eye secretions of the infected dog. However, if your dog had the most common, standard vaccine - DHLPP-CV (or any variation of DHLPP), it has been vaccinated against this disease. DHLPP stands for Distemper-*Hepatitis*-Leptospirosis-Parainfluenza-Parvovirus. The vaccines your dog had at 17 weeks are good for a year. The veterinary clinic that vaccinated your dog can tell you if his vaccination is still current, and when the booster is due.

As a side note - after his first vaccination as an adult (not the one at 17 weeks, but the one coming up), his vaccinations will hold in his system for at least 3 years. This is a veterinary medical fact, even though most clinics vaccinate every one or two years. To avoid overinnoculation, I personally only have my dogs vaccinated against Rabies and DHLPP every 3 years.

Hope this helps.
