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dogs and rawhide

19 13:58:51

hi, i have a 11 week old springer mix puppy.  the last couple days she has been hacking at night, i think trying to clear her throat.  it is more pervasive at night, she rarely does it during the day.  i think she may have swallowed a piece of rawhide that she got into from my older dog.  i have since removed all rawhide from the house.  i was waiting because i assume that she will pass it as she gets bigger. i remember my boxer going through the same thing as a puppy.  is there anything i can give her to help it?  by the way, her bowels seem fine and regular, no problems there.  thanks, danielle  

Hi Danielle,  Sorry I couldn't get back to you sooner.  If she has ingested too large of a piece of rawhide, it will eventually pass, and there really is nothing you can do to help.  Just make sure that she is going to the bathroom regular and that she is not blocked in any way. Hope this helps,
