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neutering 2 questions

19 13:58:52

At first I was planning on breeding my shih-tzu but have not been able to find any other females to breed him with. He is two years old so should I neuter him? Can he get prostate cancer if I don't? What are the risks if I do?

Kind of the same question: I just got another dog last year and his owners never neutered him. He is a maltese/pekinese mix and is 6 years old. Is it worth it to neuter him at this late of an age?

Hi Janine!

Yes, you really should neuter both of them.  For one thing, it definetley cuts down on the cancer rate. Also, male dogs that are neutered tend to make better pets in my opinion.  They are less agressive and don't have the tendency to mark furniture by lifting their leg on everything coming and going.  I'm not saying that every neutered dog will stop this behaviour, but it certainly curtails it.  I think it's worth it and the risks are very minimal since they are young and if they are in good health.

God Bless,