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adding another puppy

19 13:58:53

I presently have 3 dogs. A cocker spaniel, which is a therapy dog. He is 12yrs. I have and 8 yr old male cock-a-poo and a 7 year old female (very dominant) cock-a-spitz. The father was cocker spaniel and the mother was cocker spaniel spitz cross. My female is a guarder of everything as well as very dominant. The other 2 never ever challenge her in any way. I cannot take her anywhere where there are other dogs that may approach her. She would definately fight them. This is my question. I am looking at getting a cavalier king charles spaniel, approx 3 months old...male...How can I introduce this puppy without the puppy getting hurt? The reason I want the puppy is because my eldest may not be able to continue in therapy for too much longer and I would like to start training the puppy for therapy.

Hi Susan;
That little lady has a dominancy problem, either because of her nature, or because she has been allowed to get away with it.
I have found the Tellington touch methiod of animal massage very effective to stop aggression.
some dogs have very nervous personalities, from birth or from a fear of something. Either way, the massages will help.
You can get a Pit bull that has been taught to fight, and abused to make them mean, over this with massage. I have done it.
You can read about this method of massage, and order a video to teach you to give them at
I highlt recommend them.
I have used massage to cure excessive barking, fear of thunderstorms, and have found it invaluable in helping with pain of Arthritis and Hip dysplasia when they get older.
I would get the video, and learn the massages, and use them to correct this behavior before intruducing a new puppy.
does she get away with being this way with the other dogs?
I have a little Lhasa that would love to dictate to the other dogs, and tries it still, but I put his little behind in time out. He hates that, and when he attacks one of my other dogs, usually, all I have to do is say "MAX! do you want to go to time out?" and he straightens right up.
The massages will be great for your older dog, and my Veterinarian credits my giving these massages to my dogs living a little longer, in addition to the health and diet care they get. It helps them have more and easier movement, and have a lot less pain with fewer meds.