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purchase a English Bull doh

19 11:51:57

What is the best and economic way to purchase an English Bull dog? is purchase out of state a good idea?


The best way to purchase an English Bulldog, in my opinion, would be to rescue one. I personally feel very strongly about adopting as opposed to purchasing from breeders, simply because so many perfectly good, loving pets are waiting for homes. I understand that many people want a purebred dog, and below I provided links to some  rescue organizations dedicated to purebred English Bulldogs that I hope you'll be interested in.

If you are looking for an AKC registered dog, you may have to go to a breeder, though sometimes you can find a papered dog in a rescue organization. It doesn't really matter if you purchase in or out of state as long as you do your homework. You always want to visit the breeder and look at the litter's parents. Good breeders will have the  parents on the premesis. Also, many breeds have specific health problems they are predisposed to that should be screened for in puppies. For example, Labradors, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, etc., - big, stocky dogs are succeptible to a wide array of orthopedic problems. Good breeders have their puppies pre-screened by veterinarians and provide hip certifications and guarantees against things of that nature. There are certain questions you should also ask a potential breeder. I'm not an expert in English Bulldogs, but I know you could find a lot of resources online to help you out. I added a few more links below that will give you great advice on choosing a breeder.

The American Kennel Club's website,, will also be a great resource for you and can direct you to AKC-certified breeders close to you.

I know you are looking for an "economic" way to purchase a Bulldog. Honestly, the economic way to do it is simply to find a quality, reputable breeder. The puppy may cost more than you hoped to spend, but looking for the cheapest puppy can end up costing you MUCH more in the end. Poor breeding almost always results in poor health, which results in lots of veterinary bills.

Good luck looking for your new companion.
