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Jack Parson Russell Terrier Jealousy?

19 14:11:56

Hi there,

We have a nearly 4 yr old male JRT that we've had since he was a puppy.  He's always been a majority indoor dog.

We just got a 1 yr old female JRT from adoption.  They seem to get along mostly, playing a lot!  One concern we have is with possible jealously or territorialism with him when it comes to my wife.

On a couple of occasions, the dogs have gone at it, biting and screaming at each other.  It seems to have been provoked by the male.  Tonight my wife was bitten on the finger by him and it broke her skin, while she was pulling them apart.

Do you know of anything we can do to alleviate this?  The common denominator for this to occur has been times when she is showing affection to both of them simultaneously.

I appreciate any feedback you might have, or questions about what we're seeing.


hi Tom;
This could be like an older child being jealous of mommy and the younger sibling.
Is the male neutered?
This makes them a little less territorial, sometimes.
It could be he just wants to be the alpha between the two of them, and he is a little too aggressive about it.
Training will do a lot.
I treat my dogs like children, and they behave like children. none of them know they are not humans.LOl
for punishment, i use time-out. I think my dogs would reather be beaten with a stick that put in time out.
I put them in our small bathroom, and close the door. they have to stay in there for about 30 minutes, sometimes longer if they have not mended their ways when they come out. they have a 5X5 floor space and nothing to do but lie down on the bathmat and wait. they can hear what is going on that they are missing out on.
My little Lhasa mix has to go to time out five or six times to any of th other dogs' once. He is the baddest boy.
He wants to control, and he will jump on the australian shepherd mix at the bat of an eye. Rowdy takes it, that is why Max does it. when he tried it with the other two, they bit his head off, so he doesn't try it with them anymore.
MAX decides if Rowdy can or cannot come into the room, etc.
If I didn't comtrol the little dictator, he would make poor Rowdy's life miserable.
He starts acting up, and all I have to do now is say, "Max, do you want to go to time out" and he straightens right up.
My best friend comes to visit a couple time a year, and she brings her little yorkie. she has spoiled him rotten, and he rules at home, but not at aunt charlotte's. He tries that stuff, and I picked him up, and looked him in the eye and blessed him out good. told him he did NOT behave that way at my house, and when I put him down, he flew into the same doga again. I did the same thing again, but i told him if he couldn't be a nice puppy he had to go to time out. It took two time outs, but when he comes to aunt charotte's house now, he bahaves like a lttle gentleman.
Jerk that little critter up and chew his little butt out good, and put him in time out.
when he gets the worst end of the deal a few times, bet he will mend his ways
another thing that might work is a T-touch massage.
This is a form of animal massage that I have used to fix a lot of problems.
I have stopped aggressive dogs from being aggressive, stopped excessive barking, fear of thunderstorms, and relieved pain of Arthritis and afyter surgery, to name a few.
It is simple to learn to do, and does not even take much time.
If this problem with your dog has anything to do with nerves, massage would work wonders.
Go to this website and read about the nassages, and if you want it, you can order a video from there.
the video costs about 35 dollares, and it is the best money you will ever spend.
Jack Russells are rather a newvous breed, as far as I can learn. I have never owned or trained one.
But massage will do a lot for aggressive tendencies, and if your dogs ever have surgery, or Arthritis etc, you can relieve a lot of pain with less medication. the video is better tolearn from that the book, because you can SEE hands doing the massage, and learn to do it properly.
go to

the other thing I could suggest is to check with Petsmart or Petco stores in your area about the weekend training classes they have.
also some Humane society chapters have these classes.
You have a qualified trainer teaching the obedience classes, and the owner handles the dog.
In your case, I would suggest your wife be the one to take him to class. He would learn to mind her best.
Time for that little dictator;s rule to come to an end.LOl
Good luck