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Poodle Ear Problems

19 13:49:50

Hi Becky,

Sorry for the follow-up. My "baby" doesn't have the scabs right now. He had them before with the previous groomer that I used. When I took him to the vet I asked if it was ear mites and he said no. There is no smell from his ears at all and no scabbing as of now. I also swabbed in his left ear (the one that seems to hurt the most) and rubbed the swab on black paper looking for mites and found none. I'm just really worried about him. I probably shouldn't be though. He did try to eat today but immediately threw up the food I gave him. He does that sometimes when he doesn't feel good.

Anyhow, thanks for your advice. It was much appreciated.



Followup To

Question -
Hi Becky,

I have a mini poodle who was just groomed yesterday. The first groomer that I used would clean his ears out on a regular basis. He would end up with really sore ears and the last time that groomer did my dog he ended up with all these little "scabs" in both ears. I took him to the vet and he gave me this greenish color stuff to put in his ears and all he said was he was suffering with "poodle ears". For whatever that means.

My newest groomer has groomed him about 6 or 7 times now. She never "plucked" the hair out of his ears...she would just trim it. I had taken him to the vet to have hair removed because the groomer didn't like doing it. Yesterday she cleaned his ears out and now his ears are really sore. He's shaking his ears constantly and won't stop crying. He also won't eat and all he wants to do is lay in my lap. I gave him an asprin yesterday and one today at my vets' assistance's advice. It does not seem to be helping.

What do you think can be causing this to happen? Any advice would be grealty appreciated. When I called the vet it seemed like they didn't feel it would be a problem with the advice given and was told to call back if it doesn't stop in a few days. I hate seeing my dog in pain like this.



Answer -
Hi Angie,
Your dog may have ear mites.  The "green stuff" that your Vet gave you sounds like an ear mite medicine.  Shaking ears and scabby ears is also a sign of this.  Has your Vet checked him for ear mites?
Your groomer should clean his ears every time he is groomed.  That includes pulling out the hair. It's  not as bad as it sounds. There is a white powder that they put in the ear which dries the ear up and enables the hair to be pulled out very easily without hurting the dog. If you continue to have problems with your groomer not cleaning out the ears, change groomer.  Also, I can't figure out why your Vet hasn't given you something to put in his ears for the sores.  If he won't eat, then he does NOT feel good.  If he doesn't improve, and your Vet doesn't do anything more about it, change Vets.  You are paying good money to get results!  Your little dog should not have to suffer!

God Bless,

Hi again Angie,
Please, no need to apologize, this is what I am here for!  You cannot see ear mites with the naked eye. They must be viewed with a microscope.  He may not have ear mites, but shaking ears is a very good sign of them.  Just keep an eye out.
Don'tlet him go too long without eating. Try some baby food... the kind in the little jars... chicken is good. They usually will eat that if nothing else. Also, cottage chees and/or rice is good for the stomach.

Good luck!