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Bloody Stool

19 11:50:48

Hi Kristen,
I have an 8 year old Lab/Shep and just yesterday she a bloody stool and it was very runny and green. I feed her Nutro Natural Choice Small Bites for Seniours. She has been a bit listless and has latley become a little more aggressive whenever someone comes to the door. This worries me because she used to be such a loving dog and would only bark a bit at the door before. She also lazes around the house more. What is happening to my dog? I cannot afford a vet visit right now.

Sarah, could she have gotten into something that upset her system? Could she have swallowed a piece of toy or bone or something that may be causing a blockage (if this is the case, she NEEDS to see a vet immediately!) Has there been any more bloody or runny, green stool? I would recommend that you withhold her food for 24 hours, to give her GI tract a rest, and then feed her some plain, boiled chicken and plain, cooked white rice instead of her regular dog food for dinner after the 24-hour fast. Don't give her too much - about a cup of chicken and 1/4 cup of rice should be sufficient. Feed her this mixture for a few days and see if her stool returns to normal.

As for her behavior change, it could be due to aging, or there could be a health issue causing it. Again, only a vet can determine if the cause is something like cancer or another health issue.