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urinating & defecating overnight

19 9:13:18

Subject: 4 year old male rescue dog, neutered(been with me 3 1/2 years) collie/lurcher, small. Epileptic, on drugs which generally keep fits at bay. hyper intelligent, sensitive, very dependent on me. Companion: 10 year old female collie X devoted to each other.
He sleeps in the kitchen alone now because past 3 months suddenly started urinating and defecating overnight... not always,  but often is enough. Try late night walks,and even if he urinates, still often pees overnight. Sometimes defecates too. No routine! Tried confining him in a corner of the kitchen with wire screens. Seemed to work for a week or so, but last night he defecated AND urinated in the confined space,wetting his bed, poo close beside it.
Am nervous to let him sleep downstairs in lounge with other dog as he defecated and urinated in there originally.
At a loss! Any advice gratefully received.

I have had the same problem at times and what I think needs to be done is not always what the vet wants, however, when my dogs are put on metrodizonadole, both the defecating and the urinating stop.  I believe that your dog is licking something outside and getting an upset stomach and this is what causes this.  Start feeding him early in the morning so  he empties out before he goes to bed and pick up water about 9 PM.

Also:  check his anus for several evenings to see if he has any rice like pieces around there.  He could have tape worm even if he is getting a monthly wormer.  There is only one or two things out there that help tape worm, and it is different than what we normally give.  If he has tape worm, it may stimulate is intestines.

Lastly:  I don't know what you feed, but if you can keep it the same everyday and maybe add some rice (cooked) to it, that may also help.

If nothing else helps, you might try some peptobismal in his food to calm his stomach.