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Pomeranian Hair Loss

19 11:00:27

Our dog is 12 years old. He is losing hair around his neck and one of his legs right down to the skin. He has been eating Pedigree for years as that is the only thing that he will eat. He will not even try other foods. He also eats Marrow Bone treats and any table food that he can acquire. The last three times he was bathed was with my shampoo. Could that be a problem.

I doubt the shampoo is his problem. Pedigree is death in a bag. He WILL eat what you choose for him to eat. Get him a good quality premium dog food with no wheat, no soy no corn., no by products (which by the way is made from 4 D meat, dead, dying, diseased and downed, often euthanized and sometimes even road kill). have him vet checked for possible mange issues. Add a good supplement to his diet. vitamins E, C , B complex, Omegas, and flax seed oil.
Wash him in some aveeno shampoo to help alleviate any discomfort he might be having. Be sure he is rinsed well and dried well,
My suggestions for dog foods are Flint River, Eagle Pack, Canidae, Wellness or Natural Balance. There is always the Barf diet or cooking for your dog.,
Pedigree is literally poison and full of chemicals and allergens at best.
Gradually switch him by slowly adding the new food into the old , increasing the new over a couple of weeks. Put his food down for fifteen minutes in the morning and fifteen at night. No adding goodies to his food or begging or cajoling. Put it down, leave it, pick it up NO COMMENTING. NO more table scraps and no snacks until he is eating his breakfast and dinner. Snacks should follow the same guidelines for ingredients as dog food
Best wishes