Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Clippers for a minature Yorkie

Clippers for a minature Yorkie

19 14:10:36

Which clippers do you recommend? Andis, Oster or Wahl.  What blades are necessary


Andis would probably be the best, as they are the quietest. Get professional clippers, not the cheaper ones with the adjustable blades.

Which blades would depend on how long/short you want the dog to be. The higher the blade number, the closer the shave. Probably a #10 or #7 would be what you would want; I think I would recommend a #7 over a #10 as it will leave a slight bit of coat on the dog. If you don't want the coat too short, you could use a #30 blade with plastic clip-on combs attached (a #1 clip-on being the longest you could shave the coat).