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boxer/chihuahua mix

19 9:18:35

Hello, i have a two year old boxer/chihuahua mix dog(male)and i just want to know what you would recomend i feed him and how many times a day to do so.he is very active, loves to run and play and would like to keep him healthy.what do you suggest?

How many times a day you feed him is up to you.  Smaller dogs can often eat once a day.  If your dog wolfs his food, you can divide the daily allotment over 2 or 3 feedings.  As far as which food, look on this website and pick the best food in the price range that you want to pay.  Keeping in mind that a better food usually means that you will feed the dog less, so you have to look at price per serving and not just the cost of the bag of food.