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Miniature SWchnauzer

19 11:31:38

We have a 15 mo old Schnauzer. She is small ( 11 pounds) and a real cutie, however, she will have nothing to do with my husband, only me.  She will not come to him and mostly runs away from him.. with me she is the perfect little loving dog.  She also does not like strangers at all.  We have tried walking her and with me she does fine with him she stops and lays down and will not walk. The treats do not help either.  Any suggestions?

I think the answer to this problem is for your husband to enroll with her in a basic obedience class. During this time, you should have nothing to do with the dog. He should be in charge of feeding her, walking her, and training her. The class setting will help get her used to being around strangers and other dogs. I recommend against pet store classes, because they are way too distracting and often the trainers are sub par.